Feb 17, 2023 By Madison Evans

Locating the root cause of your worry is crucial. To better control your anxiety, you need to understand its origin. Worry, dread, and tension are all symptoms of anxiety, a mental health problem. Panic attacks and other physical symptoms, such as chest discomfort, can accompany worry for certain people.

The incidence of anxiety disorders is staggeringly high. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, almost 40 million individuals in the United States suffer from them. It might be challenging to pin down the root causes of anxiety and anxiety disorders.

Both hereditary and environmental variables may be at play here. The onset or worsening of anxiety symptoms is not fully understood, although it is apparent that certain events, emotions, and experiences might have a role.

Causes of Anxiety

Medical Problems

Anxiety can be sparked or exacerbated by a distressing or challenging health diagnosis, such as cancer or a chronic condition. Because of the intensity of the sensations it evokes in the individual, this is a particularly potent form of trigger.

Taking charge of your health and actively communicating with your doctor might help alleviate your worries. A therapist can teach you how to deal with your feelings about your diagnosis, so it may be helpful to talk to one.


Anxiety symptoms may be triggered by using several prescription and OTC drugs. This is because some of the drugs' active constituents might induce side effects. Those emotions can start a chain reaction in your brain and body, amplifying your worry.

Anxiety-inducing medications include:

  • contraceptive pills
  • decongestants and medicines for coughing
  • fat burners

Discuss the adverse effects you're experiencing with your physician and see if there could be another treatment plan that won't bring on any further worry or aggravate your current symptoms.


Coffee is used by many as a means of reviving themselves each morning, but for other people, it can increase their anxiety levels. Research from 2022 found that patients with panic disorder were more likely to have anxiety and episodes after consuming five cups of coffee. Anxiety levels were higher in males but not females who used energy drinks in a 2020 Australian research of 429 twenty-year-olds over two years.

Skipping Meals

Your blood sugar level may decline if you go too long without eating. That might cause your hands to shake and your stomach to growl. Additionally, it has the potential to cause anxiety. There are several benefits associated with eating well-rounded meals. It's a source of vital nutrients and energy.

Negative Thoughts

Anxiety is an excellent example of how your thoughts can strongly influence your physical symptoms. The things you tell yourself when you're sad or annoyed might make you feel much worse. If you frequently find yourself speaking critically about yourself, it may be good to train yourself to change the language and emotions you use when you are headed in this direction. A therapist's assistance might be invaluable at this time.

Financial Concerns

Anxiety is often experienced by those who worry about their financial situation. Unexpected expenses or financial worries sometimes serve as triggers. Seeking expert assistance, such as that of a financial adviser, might be crucial when learning to handle such situations. The anxiety may subside if you have a friend and a guide to help you through this.

Parties Or Social Events

Feeling uneasy about mingling with a group of complete strangers is normal. Situations that force you to chat with strangers or make small conversations might bring on symptoms of social anxiety disorder. Any time you feel anxious or uneasy, having a friend along will help. However, getting help from a trained expert is crucial to develop coping strategies that will make these occurrences more bearable over time.


Anxiety can be triggered or made worse by interpersonal issues such as those that arise from strained relationships, fights, and disagreements. If the controversy is a particular stressor for you, familiarize yourself with methods of resolving it. In addition, see a therapist or other mental health professional to discover effective strategies for dealing with the distress that these disagreements inevitably bring.


Anyone might feel anxious over commonplace things like traffic or missing a train. However, prolonged or chronic stress can cause anxiety and increasing symptoms over time, in addition to other health issues. Harmful coping mechanisms for stress include overeating, drinking too much, and not sleeping enough. These things can also bring on or amplify anxiety. Learned coping techniques are typically an integral part of treating and avoiding stress.